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Welcome to Spectral Realm v5- MoonLight Spectre's homepage.

The 10th of December 2k6: finally I have some new artwork to upload! I have also added a couple of explanative texts to give out more information about the pictures. Hopefully, I will update everything again shortly.

Other news: I have completely re-designed and re-structured my art home page again, sorry for the permanent changes, hope you like the the new layout better.

Most Recent artwork:
The ready-for-battle Mint outfit. Another Shade. A psychodelic and bright concept, with a slight mix of fanatsy and futuristic - and my favourite colors =) Yet another creature from my universe. This race is called Shades, they are un-material, and have no soul/spirit at the same time, they're just spawns of concentrated shadow.

Currently in progress:

Enjoy your stay!